Saturday, July 25, 2015

Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act: Book Spotlight

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To inspect the subject of disability, one must also take into consideration other factors that affect the disabled. Disability and Passing: Blurring the Lines of Identity's main topic may be the idea of a disabled person passing as "normal," but the book as a whole takes an inter-sectional look at disability and passing by examining how race, sex, gender, class, and history all contribute to how the disabled function in society. With chapters like "Passing as Sane, or How to Get People to Sit Next to You on the Bus," "The Menstrual Masquerade," "'I Made Up My Mind to Act Both Deaf and Dumb': Displays of Disability and Slave Resistance in the Antebellum American South," and more, this book is an invaluable resource on the complexity and nuances of the individual experiences of people with disabilities.

You can check out this eBook and many more in the UNT Dallas Library Catalog.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

New Issue of Young Children Added to the UNT Dallas Library Collection

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In this month's issue of Young Children, Pamela Brillante and Sue Mankiw discuss in their article "A Sense of Place: Human Geography in the Early Childhood Classroom" the importance of teaching children a sense of place to give them the tools and knowledge needed for protecting natural and cultural resources, reducing violence, and fostering increased quality of life worldwide. The authors discuss how space and place are two different things: space is just a location while a sense of place describes a feeling of being at home. It is important for all children to have a sense of place in their community, especially children with disabilities and children who speak another language. The authors then describe different activities teachers can do in the classroom and the neighborhood that can help to begin the development of this sense of place.

You can read this article and more in this month's edition of Young Children in the UNT Dallas Library.

Friday, July 10, 2015

U.S. History and Government Information Book Spotlight

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While there is a strong modern day movement for environmentalism and green living, there was an equally important and widespread conservation movement in the early 1900s. Crisis of the Wasteful Nation: Empire and Conservation in Theodore Roosevelt's America looks at conservation's champion Theodore Roosevelt and beyond to create a transnational picture using environmental, economic, and imperial history. The book is divided into three sections ("The Origins of Alarm," "The New Empire and the Rise of Conservation," and "The Global Vision of Theodore Roosevelt and Its Fate") that follow early conservation's history, the specific areas of nature the movement addressed, and the inherent paradox of Roosevelt's conservation efforts while he simultaneously hunted big game.

You can check out this eBook and many more in the UNT Dallas Library Catalog.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

New Addition to the UNT Dallas Library Catalog

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An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement (3rd ed.) is an excellent resource that provides assessments to give to children who are learning to read and write, and is also a practical book for everyone in the education field including classroom teachers, administrators, student-teachers, and researchers. The book contains a host of chapters covering different subjects such as understanding the reading and writing process and assisting children who are making slow progress, as well as observation tasks for letter identification, word reading, writing vocabulary, and hearing and recording sounds in words. 

This book and many more are available in the UNT Dallas Library catalog.

Monday, July 6, 2015

U.S. History and Government Information Book Spotlight

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The world of politics is ever changing, and the current generation of young people and their significant usage and knowledge of the internet could bring about a new direction in politics. Democracy Bytes: New Media, New Politics and Generational Change explores a host of interconnected issues, such as the practice of labeling generations, the complexity of understanding how politics change, the definition of what is political, and whether society is in need of a new politics. The last four chapters of the book look at case studies from different areas of society and culture to examine the use of media and participation of young people. Anyone interested in politics, education, or technology will likely find Democracy Bytes a fascinating and inspiring read.

You can check out this eBook and many more in the UNT Dallas Library catalog.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

U.S. History and Government Information Book Spotlight

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If you are studying management or are simply curious about how political figures in America do their job, What Government Does is a fascinating and insightful resource. Rather than viewing these political appointees according to policy area, the book chooses to examine executives by the agency they manage. Focusing on forty-two executives over a four year period in the Obama administration, this book presents real life examples of the challenges and achievements faced by deputy secretaries, producers, regulators, infrastructors, scientists, and collaborators.The end result is a deeper understanding of these jobs, providing priceless information for future political executives.

You can find this eBook and more in the UNT Dallas Library Catalog.

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