Friday, May 29, 2015

New Issue of Young Children Added to UNT Dallas Library Collection

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In this month's issue of Young Children, Katie Statman-Well discusses traumatized children and how teachers can best help these students in her article "Creating Trauma Sensitive Classrooms." About 26% of U.S. children see or experience trauma before age 8, and about 686,000 children were abused or neglected in just 2012 alone. Traumatized children will experience problems in a number of areas in life like language and communication, social and emotional regulation, building relationships, and play. Statman-Well offers several ways to help these children feel safe like simply maintaining a classroom routine or telling the children when something out of the ordinary will happen. This is an important article for anyone in the field of education since it is probable any number of students in a given class will have experienced some sort of trauma.

You can read this article and more in this month's edition of Young Children in the UNT Dallas Library.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

New Issue of New Mexico Historical Review Added to UNT Dallas Library Collection

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This month's issue of New Mexico Historical Review focuses on archeologist Polly Schaafsma and her work in studying Native American rock art. Guest editor Erika Bsumek gives a brief introduction to Schaafsma in the article "Polly Schaafsma's Indelible Mark." Bsumek discusses how Schaafsma blazed a way into studying different Native cultures of the Southwest by looking at their rock art, a cultural feature past archeologists had ignored. She then connects the art to the surrounding landscape to form a more complete picture of how the local Native American cultures existed. Schaafsma's work has influenced numerous people in various fields of study, and this journal's collection of articles about her and her work are a testament to her lasting influence.

You can find this journal and many others in the UNT Dallas Library collection.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Career Development Month Book Spotlight

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As the introduction of the book explains, people with disabilities are at a greater disadvantage than able-bodied people when it comes to jobs. Job Search Handbook for People with Disabilities is a thoughtful and engaging text that deals with the nuances of finding employment while being disabled. Author Daniel J. Ryan discusses how to assess skills, abilities, and goals; explore careers; and develop skills. He also goes on to discuss how to draft a resume and cover letter, how to network, and how to manage job searches. While many of these areas are standard focuses for a job search book, Ryan also addresses the disability aspect, like how to disclose a disability to a potential employer or how to accommodate a disability while working. Ryan's conversational tone and understanding of the difficulty disabled people go through to find a job makes this book a must-read.

You can read this eBook and many more through the UNT Dallas Library catalog.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Career Development Month Book Spotlight

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Finding a job can difficult, and this book wants to help those in the field of education find employment. Inside Secrets of Finding a Teaching Job takes an in-depth look at the various facets of searching for a teaching job. The book takes a look at how to increase one's marketability; how to discover job vacancies; how to craft resumes, cover letters, applications, and reference letters; and how to prepare for job interviews. It also discusses more short term jobs like student teaching, volunteering, subbing, and temping, while it also delves into how to become a teacher for those who never studied education or those who are returning to the field. No matter if you're a recent graduate or have been away from the field for years, this book is rife with helpful and important information.

You can check out this eBook and many more through the UNT Dallas Library catalog.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

New Book in the UNT Dallas Library Collection

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This 2016 Road Atlas contains up to date maps for all of the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The atlas also contains information on each map that includes location nicknames, capitals, land area, population, largest city, and mileage between cities. This is an indispensable guide for any one taking a trip, whether it’s in state or across the country.

You can see this book and many more in the UNT Dallas Library.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Career Development Month Book Spotlight

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Networking can be difficult for anyone, but especially for introverts who prefer to keep to themselves. As Devora Zack points out in her book Networking for People Who Hate Networking: A Field Guide for Introverts, the Overwhelmed, and the Underconnected, the available advice on networking is ill tailored for introverts. Introverts have trouble with networking, not because they're not fit for it, but because they're given advice that does not work for them. Zack addresses this issue and explores topics like self-assessment, the dismantling of introvert stereotypes, networking events, and job searching. This is an essential book for an often neglected area of careers and job searching.

You can check out this eBook and many more in the UNT Dallas Library catalog.

Friday, May 1, 2015

The ages of The Avengers: essays on the earth's mightiest heroes in changing times

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The Avengers have captured the imaginations of readers and movie goers around the world for over fifty years. Originally assembled in the early 60's the characters have battled reader apathy by confronting contemporary issues in an effort to remain relevant. This e-book brings together popular culture scholars to examine some of the story lines presented in the comic and how it influenced American popular entertainment.

This book would be of interest to History, Sociology, or any student interested in the nexus of history, fiction, and how we view complicated events.

UNT Dallas students can read this eBook now!

Also of interest in this series  
The ages of Wonder Woman: essays on the amazon princess in changing times
This Saturday is Free Comic Book Day


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