Tuesday, October 27, 2015

How To Enjoy a Healthier Halloween

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Because Halloween is fast-approaching and the grocery store has an entire aisle dedicated to giant bags of candy, this post is going to be all about enjoying a healthier Halloween. Whether your family celebrates Halloween or not, you can't miss the candy fest in the grocery stores during this time of year. Although Halloween is only one night a year, the giant bag of candy may linger around the house for much longer.

I've gathered some healthier  Halloween tips to help your young athlete enjoy a healthier Halloween (without ruining all the fun).

1. Focus on other seasonal activities.

Kids and adults alike may associate this time of year with candy, and kids are usually thinking about candy a LOT, but there are many local seasonal events, like pumpkin picking and carving, apple picking, hay rides, corn mazes, haunted houses...the list goes on. 

2. Cook a healthier meal to enjoy before trick-or-treating/before eating candy.

We all know how good a candy bar tastes when you allow yourself to get super hungry...but it's usually pretty hard to stop at just one piece because candy may have a lot of calories, but doesn't fill us up and doesn't contain the nutrients our bodies really crave at meal time. What about something seasonal, like pumpkin chili

Choose a meal with plenty of filling vegetables, whole grains and a little bit of protein and encourage kids to drink a glass of water with dinner to hold them over during the night and to prevent them from choosing handfuls of sweet treats as a dinner substitute. 

3. Choose your candy wisely.

Even those bite-sized treats can pack a huge calorie punch, especially if you're grabbing for several pieces a day, and it's those extra 100-200 calories each day in addition to your normal calories that result in weight gain over time. One peanut butter cup is ~100 calories and those mini chocolate bars are usually around 40-50 calories each. Chocolate candies have more fat and usually more calories than fruity candies.

If you're passing out candy at your house, make sure you're choosing the miniature options or some of the non-candy options listed below.

4. Set some limits.

As far as HOW MUCH candy to eat, in an ideal world, kids, teens and adults would eat a piece or two and forget about it. This isn't always the case...but over-restricting the candy jar can often times make the candy more desirable and kids can develop tendencies to obsess over/sneak/hoard the candy.

Don't give the candy so much attention and eating the candy won't become such a big deal.

A good tip for kids (and adults!) is to choose a couple favorite pieces of candy after trick-or-treating (2,3,4,5...whatever number you both set) to enjoy, and make sure to put the candy jar away and help kids practice moderation by only choosing 1 or 2 pieces as they please a day. It goes along with the "out of sight, out of mind." Put out a bowl of fruit, cut up some vegetables - have some healthy snacking options available that are more easily accessible than the candy. 

5. Pass out non-candy options.

I know this is a total "dietitian" tip, but hear me out! There was a research study that showed that kids between 3-14 years old were just as likely to choose non-candy (toy) options just as much as candy options on Halloween. 

Because almost ALL houses will be handing out candy on Halloween, passing out non-candy options will be something new for kids.

Non-food ideas ideas from The Teal Pumpkin Project.

This is a pretty cool project  - because a lot of Halloween candies contain allergens, this project promotes passing out non-food options for trick-or-treating to ensure kids with allergies can still enjoy trick-or-treating!

Some options include: glow sticks, stickers, temporary tattoos, small toys like slinkies, bouncy balls, art supplies (crayons, paintbrushes, markers), noisemakers, bubbles, fancy erasers...the list goes on.

If you want to hand out some non-candy healthier food options, there's a lot of good individually-wrapped options in the stores:

Cereal bars, snack mix, single-serve cereal boxes, microwave popcorn or little bags of popcorn, snack-size bags of Goldfish or animal crackers, pretzels, boxes of raisins/dried fruit, sugar-free gum...

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Saturday, October 24, 2015

Disability Employment Awareness Month: Book Spotlight

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With this month's focus on disability employment, it would be fitting to examine the history of disability rights in the United States and abroad. Rights Enabled focuses on the shifting views of disability from a medical or physical issue to a social oppression issue. Chapters cover the disability revolution and the passage of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), and then explores how Germany and Japan subsequently dealt with issues of disability. The book ends with a discussion on how to further globalize the view of disability rights as human rights.

You can find this eBook and many more in the UNT Dallas Library Catalog.

Friday, October 23, 2015

New Student Assistant Tomie Arteaga

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Tomie Arteaga is a new student assistant at the UNT Dallas Library. She is in her first semester at UNT Dallas and plans to major in general business. Tomie had the honor of receiving the P.L.U.S Scholarship and is attending the university on a supplementary full ride. Her hobbies are reading, playing video games, watching anime, and playing the trumpet.She is excited to be a part of the library staff and looks forward to helping and meeting students like herself.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Quick Guide to Fueling Young Athletes

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Consistent good nutrition can support a child or teen's growth, development and immune system, and can also help them be a stronger athlete and a more attentive student. If this is the case, why is the sports environment filled with fast food? Why are athletes choosing supplements to help them perform better when they're choosing junk food for meals and snacks?

We've all been to a youth sports game or tournament where they're serving hot dogs, candy and soda and the half-time snack for the young athletes is a bottle of sports drink and some sort of fast food or prepackaged snack. A busy sports schedule can result in reliance on fast food or pre-packaged snacks and meals, which can be convenient, but don't support your athlete in feeling good and performing well.

If I were to make it really simple, I would tell kids to do these things to have the best "athlete's diet":

1. Don't skip meals. This means eating breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, every day.
2. Drink water throughout the day - carry around a water bottle and fill it up throughout the day. Drink more the day before a competition/game/race.
3. Eat snacks! Eating a snack with protein after exercise can help promote muscle repair and growth.

How many calories does a young athlete need?

This chart can help you determine how many calories your young athlete needs based on their age and physical activity levels. You can see the difference between a sedentary and active been might just be 400-600 calories, the equivalent to a few extra snacks throughout the day (not a free pass to eat whatever they want). 
Moderately active = walking to school
Playing a soccer game = 
vigorously active
You may feel as if your child is ALWAYS hungry - they may need to add more snacks throughout the day, or even an extra meal during the day. Again, this all depends on how active they are and if they're having a growth spurt.

What foods should young athletes focus on?

A common mistake among young athletes make is thinking they can eat TONS of protein to build muscle, but they're often not meeting their calorie needs. Young athletes need to focus on eating enough calories in addition to exercising (especially strength training) to build muscle.

An easy way to talk about good nutrition to a young athlete is to talk about food being fuel for their activities. Kids usually know that junk food doesn't make them feel good, so help them make the connection that when they eat healthy foods, they feel good!

Of course, if they have the choice to eat junk food at home, they may choose cookies, candy and chips over fresh fruit and vegetables because it's convenient (and tastes good). Make the healthy options convenient by cutting up extra fresh fruit and vegetables and making the junk food unavailable in the home.

Carbohydrates are our muscles' main fuel source, so they should make up the majority of the diet (55-75% of total calories coming from carbohydrates). Carbohydrate foods include: whole grain bread, pasta, and cereal, grains such as oatmeal and rice, vegetables and fruit. Aim to make half of all grains whole grains for added fiber and nutrients (brown rice vs. white rice, whole grain bread and rolls vs. white bread).

Protein helps with muscle repair and growth, but it doesn't need to be the biggest focus. Although athletes need more protein on their plates, they can meet their needs by including protein at each meal and snack. Good sources of protein include meat, poultry, Greek yogurt, beans, nuts, seeds, milk and eggs.

8 years old: 4 oz
9-13 years old: 5 oz
14-18 years old: 5 oz (Female)
                           6.5 oz (Male)
One-ounce equivalent: 1 oz. meat, poultry, fish, ¼ cup beans, 1 Tbsp nut butter, 1 egg, ½ oz nuts/seeds

Healthy fats should be part of your athletes diet - we're talking about nuts, seeds, olive oil and avocados. Avoid trans fats in fried foods (menu items that say "crispy" or "crunchy") and pre-packaged baked goods and snack foods.

Use avocado instead of mayo on sandwiches/wraps. 

Is breakfast really that important?

Children and adolescents need to be eating breakfast every day, especially if they're involved in sports. Skipping breakfast has been attributed to more weight gain, and eating breakfast can help kids have more energy and pay attention more during the school day. We're not talking about a bowl of sugary cereal here - even if breakfast is small and on-the-go, try to choose foods from more than one food group. Good examples include:

  • Granola bar and a banana
  • Hard boiled egg and an apple
  • Greek yogurt with granola and blueberries
  • Dry cereal and nuts
  • Apple with peanut butter and raisins
  • Egg sandwich with 2 eggs and cheese
  • Fruit smoothie

Should young athletes drink sports drinks?

The American Academy of Pediatrics reports sports drinks contain extra calories and sugar that children don't necessarily need and that for children participating in normal exercise activities, plain water should be the drink of choice. Children and adolescents should really never be drinking energy drinks, and should only drink sports drinks during prolonged, vigorous physical activity (similar to adult recommendations). 

Children are more susceptible to becoming dehydrated because they sweat less than teens and adults, so young athletes should aim to consume 4-8 oz. (several large gulps) of water every 15-20 minutes of physical activity. They may need even more if they're sweating a lot or wearing protective equipment.

What about sports supplements?

The supplement industry loves to make things exciting and make promises about enhancing performance, helping you lean out, make strength gains or give you energy with little scientific evidence to back up these claims.

Young athletes, especially high school students, can get caught up in these exciting messages pushing protein supplements to enhance muscle growth and athletic performance. In reality, there is no magic pill - all children and adolescents can meet their protein needs through real food sources and there are many real food sources of the same supplements they're spending so much money on.

You can't take supplements to replace hard work or good nutrition. 

You (or your young athlete) might enjoy:

Kids Eat Right || 6 Healthy Ways to Manage Weight for Sports || 8 Gameday Nutrition Tips

Jill Castle, MS, RDN, CDN || Eat Like a Champion
***This book was a great resource in writing this article!

Mark Bittman @ The New York Times || Getting Your Kids to Eat (Or At Least Try) Everything 

Sally Kuzemchak @ Teen Being || Are You Being Snacked to Death?

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Disability Employment Awareness Month 2015 [Digital Display]

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Saturday, October 17, 2015

New Addition to the UNT Dallas Library Catalog

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The Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (3rd. ed.) includes eighteen volumes containing information on a whole host of subjects including aeronautics, biochemistry, lasers, quantum physics, space technology, and more. This updated third edition contains 90% revised material and 50% new content, culminating in almost 800 authoritative articles. The set also features over 7,000 photographs, illustrations, and tables in addition to the index volume for ease of use.This exhaustive resource is an excellent source of information for anyone studying in the chemistry, biology, mathematics, and engineering fields. 

These books and many more are available in the UNT Dallas Library catalog. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Secrets to a Healthy Gut

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Bacteria have a bad reputation, especially during the fall and winter seasons, when everyone around you seems to be coming down with the flu or a cold. Many athletes during this season might be increasing their training volume and are looking for a little extra immune support. 

 While it's true you'll want to wash your hands more often to prevent the spread of bacteria that cause illness, this can also be a good time to focus your attention on increasing your relationship with good bacteria. It has been estimated that your body has fewer human cells than bacteria. With about 10^14, (that's 100,000,000,000,000 bacterial cells!), your body acts as a host to many bacteria, including GOOD bacteria found in your gut, which can actually help you boost immunity and overall health.

The profile of your gut bacteria (gut microbiota) can promote health by: 
  • boosting the immune system
  • secreting antimicrobial substances that prevent bad bacteria from colonizing and making us sick
  • helping with digestion
  • producing vitamins (B-vitamins and Vitamin K)
Maybe you've heard that taking a probiotic supplement or eating certain yogurt brands can be healthy, but you might not know why. Probiotics are live micro-organisms, which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit to the host. These are the good bacteria that deserve your attention - you want a healthy population of good gut bacteria in your body. The profile of these bacteria is affected by age and antibiotic use, but is also affected by things you can control, like stress levels and the things you eat. For instance, eating more probiotics may increase the population of good bacteria. 

Most of the good bacteria or probiotics you'll hear about come from the Lactobacillus species and/or the Bifidobacteria species, but there's also different strains/types of the bacteria, and varying doses/amounts found in foods or a supplement. Many of the doses found in foods are pretty low compared to supplement forms, which can contain billions of Colony Forming Units (CFU's). 

Although many research studies are inconclusive on the specific strain and dose of bacteria that is most beneficial, and whether or not food or supplement forms of probiotics are best for your gut health, there are many ways you can promote good gut health that are good for your overall health regardless of their probiotic content!

1. Focus on prebiotics. Yes, you read that right - probiotics feed on prebiotics in your diet (indigestible ingredients like fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and inulin that the bacteria in your gut feed on). Prebiotics, are found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains like oatmeal or brown rice, so  eating a wide variety of these plant-based foods (especially onions, bananas, artichokes, asparagus, barley and garlic), will help keep your gut bacteria healthy.

2. Eat fermented foods. Food such as yogurt, kefir, fermented vegetables like sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, and tempeh are good sources of probiotics. By eating these foods, which contain live/active cultures, you can promote a healthy population of your own gut bacteria.

3. Reduce your stress level. Go for a walk, take a yoga class, wash the dishes, write in a journal - there are many ways to reduce stress levels. When we're stressed out, we may have GI issues such as an upset stomach or frequent bowel movements, or we may choose less healthy, comforting foods, both of which aren't healthy to our gut bacteria. 

Focusing on these three strategies is not only good for overall health, it will help you promote a healthier population of gut bacteria, which can be immune-boosting and benefit your health. 

What about supplements?

You will find a lot of products or supplements in the supermarket that advertise their probiotic benefits, but taking a "foods first" approach to increase the probiotics in your diet is a great way to reap the benefits of those healthy foods (such as getting a healthy dose of protein from the yogurt or tempeh) without spending additional money on supplements. Again, most studies agree that eating probiotics is likely beneficial (even if research isn't conclusive on the most beneficial dose or strains of bacteria of whether foods or supplement forms are better). 

Food sources of probiotics (like the fermented foods listed above) have been around for thousands of years and contain many other beneficial vitamins and minerals. That alone makes  these foods worthy of including in most diets, whether they're advertising their probiotic benefits or not

A dietitian can help you navigate the options if you are thinking about including healthful probiotic-rich foods in your diet!

What foods should I be looking for?

The dietitians picks:

Greek yogurt (Choose plain yogurt and add your own honey or chopped fruit)

Kefir (Again, choose plain and blend it into smoothies. It is quite tart, so mixing it into smoothies is a great way to sweeten it up!)

Tempeh (If you've never tried it - check out this article from the Kitchn).

Kimchi and Sauerkraut  (Look for refrigerated varieties. Canned versions will have cooked and killed the live bacteria).

Do you eat any fermented foods?

More articles on this topic:

Nutrition Stripped || Guide to Probiotics

EatRight.Org || Probiotics and Prebiotics: Creating a Healthier You

NCAA/SCAN || Foods to Promote Immune Function

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Coconut Oil for Thyroid Problems

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There has been a lot of talking recently about coconut oil being the best natural remedy for thyroid problems. Today, we will give you some insight into whether this is true or not.

One of tabloids this year has claimed that coconut is a miraculous cure which will alleviate all of your problems with thyroid gland. That’s obviously not true, but there is some connection between coconut oil and a healthy thyroid gland. Coconut has been used for many centuries and still is, not only in culinary, but medicinal purposes as well.

Coconut oil is saturated fat made of a chain of fatty acids which have been proved to accelerate metabolism and stimulate weight loss. Coconut oil can also increase body’s base temperature. It has a different way of being digested compared to other nutrients because it gets broken down far easier when it gets to the liver, which leads to greater production of energy and more efficient burning of fatty deposits.

One of the advantages of coconut oil is its greater lifetime. Many oils are quick to spoil. In order to prevent that, manufacturers treat them in order to postpone their expiration date. Those hydrogenised oils are harmful for the human body, and especially for the thyroid gland. On the other side, coconut oil is very durable and it doesn’t require harmful processes which would increase its lifetime.

Studies have shown that coconut oil improves body’s resistance to viruses, bacteria and fungal infections, especially those caused by candid, all because it contains boric acid. It’s a natural bacteria repellant and is very efficient in treating ulcers.

Some health benefits of coconut oil:

  • It controls gastric acids and maintains healthy bladder functions
  • It reduces risk of developing hemorrhoids
  • It treats gastrointestinal illnesses
  • It alleviates ear pain
  • It soothes symptoms of enlarged prostate
  • It compliments liver functions and maintains its health
  • It alleviates joint pain and muscle inflammations
Because of all these health benefits coconut is often found in cosmetic products. It nurtures and moisturizes the skin and can be used to massage hair roots and get rid of dandruff.

All of these benefits compliment coconut oil as one of the best natural remedies for thyroid problems. We advise you to implement it in your daily routine and you will certainly feel improvement in your overall health.

7 Great Beauty Uses for Coconut Oil

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In Asian traditional medicine coconut oil is known as a natural remedy, but it can also be used for makeup removal, as well as a natural deodorant, anti-aging crème and as lip and hair balsam. Coconut oil stimulates growth of beneficial bacteria and acts as an antiviral agent. It’s a great ally if you’re trying to lose excess weight and it helps maintain skin health and complexion. It can be drank or applied to skin or hair. It’s been increasingly used in cosmetic product industry over the last ten years. Beneficial acids contained in coconut oil have strong antiviral and antibacterial properties. They also bring favorable conditions for growth of helpful bacteria, especially those common in acids in milk.

1. Makeup remover

Coconut oil is a gentle makeup remover, particularly efficient in removing water resistant mascara. Apply several oil drops to your glove and then gently press it over your eyes so the makeup can melt down. Afterwards remove the makeup with gentle taps. When cotton is clean, rinse your face with water.

2. It makes the hair smooth and obedient

A few drops of coconut oil will keep stray hairs in place. Put a few drops of oil on your palm and rub your palms together to warm them up a bit. Rub them into your hair when you come out of shower. Coconut oil can also be used in creation of deep masks. Women living in tropical countries claim it helps maintain color and prevents hair loss.

3. Natural deodorant

Acids found inside coconut oil kill bacteria causing unpleasant scent. Applying few drops of coconut oil is enough during winter months. When the temperatures rise, you can make your own deodorant from 1/4 cup of baking soda, half a cup of thickening agent, 4 teaspoons of coconut oil and a teaspoon of tea tree oil. Mix up all the ingredients thoroughly, pour them in a plastic mold or an old deodorant can and then just put it all in the fridge for a while so it can solidify.

4. Instead of shaving foam

If you have sensitive skin which is prone to rash and pimples after depilation, coconut oil is a much better option than regular shaving foam. After you’re done shaving, rub the oil into your skin thoroughly, combining it with lukewarm water. In addition to making the razor go over your skin in a smoother manner, it will also hydrate your skin, making afterward crème application unnecessary.

5. Lip balm

Wounded and sore lips can easily be treated with a daily dose of a few drops of coconut oil. If you find it impractical to carry a bottle of coconut oil with you, you can take out your favorite lip balm, let it melt and then add a few drops of coconut oil to it. Put it in a fridge so it can go back to its previous solid form.

6. Anti-aging crème

Coconut oil helps stimulate production of collagen, which has the function of keeping our skin elastic. That function steadily decreases in efficiency over the years. Take a few drops of coconut oil and warm them up in your hands. Gently apply them over your eyes, taking care to properly cover the outer corners. It can also be applied over and around lips.

7. Skin hydration and massage

Coconut oil is an excellent skin hydration agent because it binds water molecules, and itself gets absorbed into the skin faster than lotions do. If you want to use coconut oil, warm it up between your palms before you apply it. Coconut oil massage has anti-inflammatory properties and helps treat swelling, arthritis and rheumatism.

Homemade Coconut Oil Lotion for Body, Face and Hair

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Here is a lotion made of five key ingredients, which you can use for your body, face and hair, and not have any second thoughts about what kind of product are you using. Coconut oil is regarded as one of the best natural oils for human hair since many centuries ago. It has also been known for its rejuvenating effect on skin and its powerful antiseptic properties which further empowers it as natural remedy for skin ailments such as eczema and acne.

Some people find it a bit too thick when used undiluted. That is why this lotion recipe contains some water. This has another advantage, as you will be nurturing and hydrating your skin simultaneously. We recommend you to try using cool, freshly squeezed coconut oil.


  • 200 ml of organic coconut oil
  • 3 tablespoons of almond oil
  • 3 tablespoons of glycerin
  • 1 tablespoon of vitamin E
  • 150 ml of distilled cold water


1. Coconut oil is too stiff when kept on room temperature. Melt it down on hot steam or in a warm bath (pour coconut oil in one dish, then put that dish in another dish filled with hot water). Cool the oil down a bit, then add almond oil, vitamin E and glycerin. Mix them all up.

2. Put the mixture in a fridge so it can thicken a bit, but not too much, just enough for it to start turning solid. When it reaches that point, take it out and mix it up with a mixer until you get a nice buttery crème (just like when you are mixing butter).

3. Add some cold water to this buttery mixture and keep mixing it for another 10 minutes or so, which should be enough time for them to merge together into a lotion. Fill dishes you prepared earlier with this lotion.


This amount of ingredients should result in around 400 ml of lotion which can be used for a very long time. It won’t get spoiled because vitamin E acts as a natural preservative agent, but it would still be best to keep it in the fridge. It’s a truly effective and natural product which goes a long way in helping a lady maintain her beauty.

Using Coconut Oil To Improve Sports Performance

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Coconut oil is functional food because of its exquisite effect on human health and its nutritive values. Numerous scientific studies have confirmed these among other things related to coconut oil: it proved a fast source of energy, increases energy and endurance, improves physical and sports performance (one particular research confirmed that, under same amount of stress, glycogen consumption steadily decreased, thereby decreasing lactate production; subjects mainly used fatty acids for fueling), improves immunity, digestion and absorption of other nutritious matter such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids, protects the body from osteoporosis (which is especially important for athletes)…

In addition to these attributes, it also protects the body from free radicals and does not expend body’s antioxidant reserves like other oils do, improves usage of essential fatty acids and protects them from oxidation, contains less calories than other oils, accelerates weight reduction process by boosting basal metabolism, does not produce harmful byproduct when heated up or used in cooking like other oils do.

Most of the fatty acids contained in coconut oil are medium chain fatty acids, which even though are saturated have another way of being absorbed by the body. Instead of stocking up in fatty deposits, they immediately get converted into energy ready to be spent. Top world athletes regularly use medium chain fatty acids by consuming coconut oil or supplements with lauric acid.

It would be best to buy and use virgin coconut oil. If possible to get by, organic oil which comes from cold pressurization is what you want. You can easily estimate coconut oil’s quality by looking at it: it’s as clear as water when it’s exposed to high temperatures, while being thick and white when exposed to low temperatures. It’s best to be kept in a glass container and in a dark and cold environment.

Replace already existing fats in your diet with coconut oil (but leave olive oil and omega 3 capsules in). Recommended daily dose is two to three table spoons of oil along your regular meals.

Cooking With Coconut Oil is an Easy Step Towards a Healthier Diet

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Nowadays, coconut oil is an essential component of everyday diet for many athletes and people who are trying to lose weight.

Main reason for that is that coconut oil contains less calories than other cooking oils, but some other advantages include faster conversion to energy and reduced fatty deposits accumulated inside blood vessels.

Coconut oil also improves overall endurance of the body and therefore improves an athlete’s performance. It’s ranked very close to the top on the list of healthiest oils in the world. It consists of mostly fatty acids (out of which the majority are triglycerides), multiple unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid), mono-unsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid), certain fatty acid derivates, fatty alcohols, polyphenols which give it its scent and taste, vitamins (E, K) and minerals. It quickly starts to turn solid when exposed to low temperatures, so it may need to be warmed up before use.

Coconut oil is used to treat many different ailments and comes recommended as an aide in prevention and treating illnesses among which are: diabetes, heart problems, kidney problems, high blood pressure, obesity… It can also serve to control cholesterol levels, to boost immunity, to regulate digestion and metabolism, and to help thyroid gland maintain healthy functioning.

Coconut oil also has antibacterial and antiviral properties which makes it efficient in dealing with infections. Coconut oil kills viruses which cause rash, flu, hepatitis, herpes, SARS… It also destroys various bacteria which can cause throat, urinary or lung inflammations, gonorrhea and more.
Presence of triglycerides and fatty acids is very useful for prevention of liver illnesses, because incoming matter turns into energy at a faster rate, which reduces strain on the liver itself as well as accumulation of fatty deposits.

It’s considered that coconut oil has effect on reducing vulnerability to HIV virus and cancer.
Coconut oil can help treat many skin problems, such as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin infections.

Key component of coconut oil is lauric acid which has strong antiviral and antibacterial properties, making it a great protector from infectious diseases. Lauric acid can also be found in mother’s milk, where it plays a life-giving part, protecting the infant from infections until its immune system becomes strong enough to deal with them on its own.

Another important component of coconut oil is caprylic acid, which creates an environment favorable for growth of helpful bacteria, especially bacteria commonly found in lactic acid. Studies have also shown that caprylic acid wards of candid and destroys parasites lurking inside our digestive tracts.

Coconut oil is very resistant to high temperatures, so it can be used for cooking purposes. Use it for frying, roasting, as salad dressing, as an addition to cooked rice or as a component in your favorite smoothie. By ingesting coconut oil on regular basis, you will feel a slight increase in your body’s temperature, which is symptom of accelerated metabolism caused by decomposition of fatty acids contained in the oil. Coconut oil provides more energy and gives you the feeling of being sated, so it will make you crave for sweet food much less, therefore placing you on the right track towards a healthier diet.

Moderate therapeutic dose is three to found spoons of oil a day, in order to provide your organism with enough lauric acid which boosts immunity. Make sure you’re buying virgin and not refined coconut oil. It’s generally better to search for it in healthy food stores than regular supermarkets.

Refined coconut oil comes from pressuring the dry mass leftover after squeezing out virgin oil out of the coconut. It’s extracted by treating the leftovers on high temperatures. Afterwards it gets hydrogenised (hardened), like margarine. This fat does not have the same properties like those found in virgin coconut oil.

Coconut oil is very soothing and can help alleviate stress. Gentle massage helps getting rid of mental fatigue.

Last, but certainly not least, coconut oil is also used in cosmetic industry. It’s one of the best natural materials for hair care. It provides hair with a healthy gloss and supports healthy hair growth. If regularly rubbed in hair roots, it removes dandruff. Essential proteins found in the oil nurture and regenerate damaged hair. Coconut oil is great for nurturing dry and peeling skin. It hydrates and rejuvenates the skin. For these reasons, it’s one of the most favorite components for many beauty product manufacturers. It can be found in soaps, shampoos, lotions, crèmes…

Coconut Oil Nutrition Facts

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Coconut oil is extracted from peeled and dried coconuts. Out of many existing oils, coconut oil is the richest one in fatty acids. This is a sentence where you may stop and ponder. You have probably been warned all your life to avoid fatty acids. We have to agree with that attitude, but like it is with everything else, there are differences between fatty acids too. Some of them are actually good for the human organism. We will explain which coconut oil ingredients have beneficial effect on our overall health and we will try to keep it short and informative.

What is it made of and what kind of effect does it have?

Lauric acid is an exceptionally important component of coconut oil. The same acid can also be found in mother’s milk and it serves the function of protecting infants from infections. You don’t have to be a medical expert to, from there, draw the conclusion that it has beneficial effects on the human body. Just as mother’s milk protects the child from infections and helps build its immune system, this acid has strong antiviral and antibacterial properties and therefore destroys protozoa and other harmful single cell organisms in our bodies.

Some studies imply it may also have anticancer properties. When implemented in one’s diet, natural coconut oil protects the liver, heart and blood vessels, strengthens the immune system and helps with losing excess weight.

In addition to lauric acid, coconut oil also contains caprylic acid which bolsters the growth of beneficial bacteria, especially those which are also commonly found in milk acid. The reason why coconut oil isn’t harmful to us like many other saturated fatty acids are is that it contains healthy mid-chain fatty acids. Those are the exact kind of acids our bodies easily process. In addition, coconut oil doesn’t overburden our digestive tract like other oils do, so it is easily converted into energy, and that is exceptionally good for athletes.

What should you know when choosing?

Let’s say we understood the basics of how coconut oil works and decided to implement it into our regular diet. Which things should we pay attention to? To start off, make sure your coconut oil isn’t hydrogenised. It’s better if it’s cold and unrefined. These coconut oils are the ones who have better beneficial properties than other herbal oils.

High quality coconut oil is easily recognizable by the fact that it starts to solidify on temperatures below 24 degrees on Celsius scale. While it’s in liquid form, it’s transparent. When it shifts to solid form, it gets a white shade. The higher the quality, the more mellow its aroma is, and as such it should not affect the taste of the meal its putted in.

Possibilities of using coconut oil in diet

Unrefined coconut oil can be used in everyday diet. It’s exceptionally stable and can withstand high temperatures, so all of you who like to eat fried food can use coconut oil.

Considering it is a natural preservative agent, meals you cook using coconut oil will last longer. If you do not find the idea of frying or cooking with coconut oil appealing, you can use it to spice a salad up or add it to your favorite smoothie.

We recommend to everyone with a sweet tooth to add it to every cookie mixture which originally uses wheat dough. This will give your cookies softer texture and richer flavor. If you’re not a good chef, but still want to do something good for your health, you can even drink coconut oil on its own, from one to three tablespoons a day.

Other possibilities of using coconut oil

Coconut oil has strong antioxidant effect which made it a common ingredient in many cosmetic products aimed at skin nurturing. It can often be found in natural anti-agind crèmes. And as it also has great anti-inflammatory properties, it is also commonly used for massages. There are many possibilities. It’s up to you to experiment with them and see what you like best.

The Benefits Of Coconut Oil

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Everything that exists in this world has a purpose. It might be small or big, regardless of the size it is beneficial in other way. Human by nature are curious of everything that surrounds them. It can be for personal purposes or the other way around. People never get tired of looking for something worth each other. One of the nature’s products is popularly known for its unmeasured benefits that can offer to the consumers like us. This nature’s product refers to coconut oil.

Coconut oil is a product extracted from the kernel of the coconut fruit. It is categorized as edible food which only means that it is safe to be eaten or to be added on food. Typically, it is highly produced in some of the Southeast Asian countries; it is due to the high production of coconut trees grow on these places. Coconut oil plays a vital role on the life of every individual. In fact, the benefits of coconut oil are considered boundless based on the studies conducted by the researchers. Coconut oil has found to rich in vitamins, minerals other nutrients which are good source to have a healthy body. To name some of the benefits of coconut oil are as follows:

Coconut Oil For Your Hair

Hair is very important to us especially to the women because it is considered as the crowning glory of each of us.  Hair makes a person more beautiful and more attractive that is why there is no doubt that there are some who has hair obsession. So, what does coconut oil can give you to achieve hair which looks shiny and healthy glowing hair than before?

Protects hair from lice: lice is a pest which is one of the common problems being encountered by most of the teens. Though, there are available products being sold in the market, it has the tendency to damage your scalp while in coconut oil you will just coat your wet hair with it which can lead you to easily comb your hair and remove the lice on it.

Extensive losing of hair: another common problem of each of us especially to men is the losing of hair. Men when they reach the age of early 30s, they started to have problems with their hair. Coconut oil is best to use for this problem by simply use on hair the mixture of coconut oil and lime water.

Uncontrollable hair damage: coconut oil is abundant of lauric acid that can help you bring back beautiful hair.

Growing number of gray hairs: problems on gray is very common to those who are getting older.
However, coconut oil can help you control this problem by simply mixing a portion of a certain leaf juice into the coconut oil.

Adds fragrance to your hair: coconut oil has a refreshing and revitalizing scent that can add to your shampoo.

Coconut Oil for Skin

Skin is another part of our body that needs extra care. It is one our assets that can make us different from others. Thanks to coconut oil, it offers other benefits to attain smooth and flawless skin that everyone wants to. Here are the other advantages on our skin:

  • Skin moisturizer: coconut oil contains substance that helps to moisturize our skin.
  •  Treatment for skin problems: coconut oil is a best treatment on skin problems like eczema, dermatitis, and other viral infections.
  • It lessens the occurrence of wrinkles : coconut oil contains antioxidant that helps to protect the skin cell from the damage during night time.
  • Coconut oil is the same with other nature’s product which has classification. It is being classified as organic and virgin coconut oil.

How can we differentiate the two from each other?

Virgin coconut oil is very popular for its unprocessed method of extraction. It is merely made from fresh harvest coconut. Its oil is extracted from its white core part of the coconut without undergoing the use of chemicals and heat.  It is not being processed through bleaching and deodorizing of the oil. It is purely on natural method. While, According to other sources organic coconut oil can be both in a form of pure or virgin process. The difference is on how the source of coconut has grown. Those coconut trees also have synthetic fertilizers used. But in this kind of oil they are from coconut trees have grown in organic fertilizers. The extraction method is also the same with the virgin coconut oil. In fact, it is quite hard to identify the differences with the two but this is one thing for sure, they may vary from the source of coconut trees.

Another related term on coconut oil is the oil pulling coconut oil. There are some people states that oil pulling have something to do with your health. Oil pulling has something to do with the swishing of oil into to your mouth which was already practiced almost a decades. It is believed that oil pulling is a best method for oral purposes and for detoxification. Some of the benefits that people can get from oil pulling coconut oil are the following:
  • It helps to strengthen your teeth, tongue, gums and jaw.
  • It can control gum problems like gingivitis and cavities.
  • Remedy from bad breath
  • Remedy for gums bleeding
  • It prevents lip dryness and sore throat.

Here are the additional benefits that can offer by oil pulling in general form:

  • It helps to relieve extreme migraine
  • It helps to correct imbalance of hormones.
  • It helps to maintain the normal function of the kidney
  • It can control the signs of bronchitis
  • It relieves aids’ pain
  • It lessens the indications of allergy
  • It helps to lessen arthritis swelling
  • It is good for detoxifying your body
The benefits that you can get from the coconut oil are truly amazing and undeniable. From the information that we discover from the coconut oil, we can say that the nature has probably giving us all the advantages that we can use to have a healthy way of living. Therefore, we must have the zeal to discover things in our surroundings, provided that we are responsible enough to take good care of them. From the benefits presented by the coconut oil, it is a good sign that we have to start patronizing the use of coconut oils than any other liquid solutions.

Unique Properties of Coconut Oil

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Decades ago coconut oil was the healthiest oil on the planet. It is still fed to critically ill patients and is a major component of baby formula most hospitals today. Now physicians and nutritionists recommending it as a source of healthy fat. Even Dr. Oz reversed his position and is promoting it! The misinformation about the supposed dangers of coconut oil has lead to health issues (i.e. heart disease, diabetes, obesity, etc.). People in the tropics living on traditional diets high in coconut oil are robust and healthy well into old age and free of the many life style diseases that plague us.

Coconut oil (like palm oil, palm kernel oil) is unique in it’s health-giving properties. It is made up of mostly saturated fat (92%), but this saturated fat is different from other saturated fats. You see, seed oils are the source of the highly beneficial medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs or MCTs). Unlike saturated fats from other sources (meats and vegetable oils) that are made up of long chain fatty acids (LCFAs). These LCFA if not immediately utilized are stored in our fat cells. The shorter/smaller MCTs found in coconut oil are much easier to digest and are go directly to the liver and used for energy production. They are not stored as fat deposits in our arteries or tissues.

Coconut oil produces energy, is not stored as fat and is a major component of many athletes’ diet and meal replacements. Athletes use coconut oil to control and reduce weight and for energy. Coconut oil improves the function of the liver and reduces LDL cholesterol, which protects against heart disease. It supports thyroid gland health and increases metabolism. And it even increases insulin sensitivity and helping to reverse diabetes and even Alzheimer’s.

When coconut oil is combined with other foods, namely starches and carbohydrates, it slows down passing sugar into the blood stream. Coconut oil reduces the glycemic index and prevents the potential insulin spike. So not only do you get more energy, you feel fuller longer and are less prone to blood sugar fluctuations that causing cravings. In addition to the blood sugar benefit, the MCFAs of coconut oil don’t require the action of bile or pancreatic enzymes, are able to cross the wall of the intestine and enter the portal vein and directly enter the liver where it burned as fuel. This reduces the workload of the liver (no bile production) while increasing metabolism all leading to weight loss. And this is supported by 100s of articles published in reputable scientific journals like the Journal of Nutrition.

How To Open A Coconut

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If you want to open a coconut and have never done it before, you may have some difficulties. First you need to drain coconut’s liquid. Find the three dents on coconut’s surface and poke a hole in them with a sharp object. For example, you can use a wine opener. Now turn the coconut upside down and drain the liquid into a cup. You will get clear coconut oil which is perfectly fine to drink. Although it is not particularly tasty, it is very good for rehydration and is very rich in potassium. It comes recommended to athletes.

Now put the coconut on a plank and hit it with a meat chopper or a hatchet. Several hits right down the middle and the crust should crack. You should be very careful. Never let children play and try to open a coconut. Practice makes perfect.

Remove crust from the edible matter carefully, using a kitchen knife. When peeled, insides of a coconut are white and the outer layer is darker. The darker outer layer is simply peeled off with a knife. The white edible matter can be eaten raw or be used in many forms as a cooking ingredient.

How to make coconut flour?

You can buy or make your own home version of coconut flour and pancakes! Put the white coconut meat on a piece of baking paper and toss it in the oven turned on to 100 °C. Leave it to dry for 15 minutes. Grind down the dry pieces of coconut and you will get your flour. It doesn’t contain gluten and has a lot of fibers. It can be used by diabetics. It’s commonly used for cookies and cakes.

How to make coconut milk?

Coconut milk can be bought or made at home. Chop up small pieces of coconut and rinse them off in water. Put them in a blender. Add heated water. The right ratio is half a liter of water on each whole coconut. It doesn’t have to be that precise. You can make it thicker or thinner, depending on your own taste and needs. Blend them thoroughly and then filter the content into a proper container. Put your coconut milk into a fridge. You can drink it or use it as a cooking ingredient.

Is coconut oil healthy?

Coconut oil is made by mechanically squeezing dried coconuts in large mills. Temperatures don’t go above 70 °C in this process. In traditional rural production temperatures may climb up to 120 °C. Coconut oil has high caloric value and contains plenty of saturated fatty acids, but many people still use it to lose excess weight. According to some sources, coconut oil is easily and quickly converted into energy and does not linger inside the body in any potentially harmful manner. It’s even used to reduce bad cholesterol level. Still, this should be taken with some reserve, as research on coconut oil’s effect on cholesterol level and weight loss is still ongoing. Surely a lot of things rest on the process of coconut oil production itself.

Coconut oil is good for athletes, diabetics, people with heart conditions, people with irritable bowels, people suffering from chronic fatigue… Coconut oil has antimicrobial, antiviral and antibacterial properties. It also shows good antioxidant qualities. It is often used in cosmetic products industry because it’s great for skin and hair care. If used in moderate amounts in nutrition, it’s absolutely not harmful. This oil has been looked down upon for a long time because people thought it was unhealthy, but that’s not true.

The Ultimate Guide To Coconut Oil And Weight Loss

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Thermogenic stimulants help increase metabolism by boosting energy and increasing blood flow, but at a cost. There are many known dangers of over-the-counter metabolism boosters, including addiction, anxiety, insomnia, and gastrointestinal problems. Some people may even experience a severe reaction, like a heart attack, seizure, coma, or death. There has to be a healthy alternative.

And there is!

Researchers have found a positive correlation between coconut oil and weight loss without all the harmful side effects for which manufactured chemicals are known.

How It Works

Coconut oil is made up of medium-chain fatty acids. These triglycerides are easily digested and converted into energy, which helps speed up metabolism. On the other hand, long-chain fatty acids, such as those which comprise polyunsaturated oils, are more difficult to break down, and end up being stored in the body as fat. In one study, individuals who consumed meals high in medium-chain fatty acids experienced an average increase in metabolism of 48 percent (up to 65 percent in obese individuals). These thermogenic effects continued to benefit individuals for up to a day afterward.

Other Weight-Related Benefits

Besides the main effect listed above, there are secondary benefits which also link the consumption of coconut oil and weight loss. The following are some of these known benefits.
  • Eating coconut oil ultimately slows the digestion of food, making you feel fuller for longer. This will help reduce the need to snack throughout the day.
  • Coconut oil helps detoxify the body, cleansing and nourishing the cells in the digestive tract and helps the body naturally flourish. This sets the body up perfectly for weight loss.
  • Candida is a fungus which grows naturally in the body. When this organism grows out of control, it can lead to carbohydrate cravings, fatigue, weight gain, and many other negative symptoms. The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil destroy this nasty bugger, helping you achieve the long-term weight loss goals you have in mind.
  • Many people want to lose weight in order to reduce the risk for diabetes. Because coconut oil slows digestion, it helps control blood sugar levels, keeping them stable longer.

Attaining the Benefits

So, you’re convinced, and rightly so, that coconut oil and weight loss go hand in hand. So how can you get all of these benefits for yourself? What’s the right “dosage”? How often should you take it? When should you take it? Before meals or after? What type should you take? How much is too much? What do “virgin” and “extra virgin” mean? 

People who have been reaping the benefits of coconut oil and weight loss for a long time often work themselves up to consuming 3-6 tablespoons per day, depending on their weight. Consuming more than this amount can be detrimental to your health and contrary to your weight loss goals. Beginners, who aren’t used to the effects, should begin by taking 1 teaspoon per day. It may make you queasy at first, but don’t let that make you stop early. 

Your body will get used to the new addition to your diet fairly quickly. As for dosage, many proponents of this natural remedy recommend taking a dose about 20 minutes or half an hour before eating a meal. They also recommend that you choose a brand of coconut oil that is labeled “virgin” or “extra virgin”. This will ensure that the oil you consume has not been extracted by chemical methods; rather, it will have been pressed out by mechanical means.

How to Take It

Coconut oil should be swallowed as a liquid, so if the idea of letting a glob of oil melt in your mouth makes you uneasy, you’re not alone. Others have had the same complaint, and so they have figured out some ways to make the experience a bit more pleasant. The following are some of the ways to do this.
  • Add to hot water to liquefy the oil, stir, and drink.
  • Stir the coconut oil into your favorite herbal tea.
  • Add it to yogurt. Since this will keep it in a solid state, make sure to mix well.
  • Mix it with some peanut butter. Eat plain or as a dip for celery.
  • Add to a bowl of hot soup.

There is a lot of evidence linking coconut oil and weight loss, so why not give it a try?

Desiccated Coconut

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The process of obtaining desiccated coconut involves shredding of the coconut flesh and then subjecting it to a thorough drying process, with the aim of removing as much moisture as possible. If the manufactured version of the desiccated coconut is unavailable, then a locally dried coconut meat will do although no amount of local drying will completely eliminate the moisture content compared to the manufactured version.

There are two versions of desiccated coconut in the market; the unsweetened brand and the sweetened version of the same. The most important thing is to check the labeling in order to make the difference. Both versions however are produced by first drying the shredded coconut flesh and then a process of grinding the end product will systematically follow, to produce a very fine powder. The variation of the powder version is the coarse brand of the desiccated coconut which is also in form of desiccated shreds or even the flakes of coconut.

Which Diet Plan is Right for You

There are so many diets out there that it becomes difficult to separate the good eggs from the bad ones and what ultimately happens is that we end up trying all of them, getting sick of not being able to eat what we want and giving up altogether. Naturally, the weight that you lose during this time period will come back and settle on the surface of your body, making you feel miserable and uncomfortable.
That said, of course there are certain diets out there that actually work but because they focus on one particular group of nutrients, say, proteins, the results are never long-term. This is because your body needs equal amounts of carbohydrates and fats along with protein- you can’t pick one out of the three and expect to lose weight and keep it off at the same time.

Working Coconut oil in Your Diet Plan

What every weight watcher should do instead, is eat regular home-cooked meals but switch their cooking oil to coconut oil.
Using coconut oil for diet is the best way to lose weight because it burns the fat content in the food that you eat, almost immediately. This way, the fat doesn’t wander about in your body, doesn’t get absorbed by the blood stream and hence, you don’t put on weight. Another benefit of using coconut oil for diet is that it zeroes in on the metabolic rate in your body and speeds it up gradually so you end up burning more calories and fat. It also boosts energy levels which means that you will be able to do much more in a day! Doesn’t that sound great?
Coconut oil for diet is particularly recommended for those who have high cholesterol. This problem crops up because there is too much fat in the blood stream but as has already been mentioned, coconut oil will literally melt the fat and you will be able to kiss your cholesterol problem goodbye in no time!
If that wasn’t enough, coconut oil is laced with something known as Omega 3 fatty acids which are known to not only make the mind sharper, but also keep the body fit. Now, this doesn’t mean that you can gorge on fried food cooked in coconut oil and still expect to lose weight- you have to eat right and exercise on a regular basis.
The bottom line is that you don’t have to deprive yourself of your favorite dishes and since most diets focus on the fact that you can’t lose weight without some sacrifice, coconut oil for diet becomes all the more appealing! As has already been mentioned, you can eat what you want but in moderation and since most of us have a little common sense, we already know what to eat and what to avoid.
So, if you plan out a well-balanced diet for yourself and make coconut oil a big part of your meals, you will not only lose weight but also have perfect skin and hair!


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